
Vaccinations are just as crucial to our health (if not more so) as regular check-
ups, blood pressure monitoring, and blood glucose testing. Refusal or neglect of
vaccinations can have a devastating impact on a population. Deaths from preventable
illnesses have become more and more frequent in the news, from measles to
influenza. Even so, it appears the message is not widespread enough, as vaccine-
preventable illnesses are becoming more prevalent with each passing month. As such,
we must be vigilant with the facts and take responsible steps as a population to protect
ourselves and each other.

Our pharmacists at Imagine Health Centres are actively screening patients and
implementing vaccination awareness programs to not only provide vaccinations to
patients but to increase awareness to patients and non-patients alike about to value of
vaccines. We encourage everyone to ask their pharmacists, nurses, and physicians
about immunizations so that we become more educated as a society. Of course, there
are risks that come with immunization, just as there are risks when taking prescription
medication or trying a new treatment. Fortunately, when it comes to vaccinations, the
benefits far outweigh the risks. Billions of dollars have been spent on improving the
efficacy of medicine, with each vaccine going through rigorous evaluation and quality testing by Health Canada. Some vaccines that have recently seen significant
advancement are pneumonia, meningitis, and shingles vaccines.

It is important to have trust in the governing body of our health care system. That
trust coupled with the willingness to collaborate with other health professionals is
how we are able to provide the absolute best care and make the most well-informed
decisions regarding their health.

For an update of your vaccination history, you can call Health Link by dialling
811. Additionally, your pharmacist and physician are valuable resources for those in
need of or who are interested in vaccinations for pneumonia, tetanus, Diptheria,
whopping cough, shingles, human papillomavirus, meningitis, and travel-related
diseases (among many others!)

Stop into your nearest Imagine Health Centres location to speak to one of our
educated pharmacists about vaccine health and to learn how you can protect yourself
and your loved ones better.