Botox: Cosmetic vs Medical

While some believe that non-surgical cosmetic procedures like Botox produce purely aesthetic benefits,
those who avail of these services would likely disagree. Of course, there are many aesthetic benefits that
come from Botox; however, there are also a number of other associated benefits.

The most obvious benefit of a procedure like Botox is the boost in confidence and self-esteem that it
provides. It is not uncommon for younger generations to seek Botox to minimize the insecurities they feel
about their appearance. A young 30-something businessman with prominent lines in his forehead can feel
confidence and relief from Botox injections. Alternatively, a mother of three that has decided her
childbearing days are over may want to regain some of the youthfulness of her pre-baby self by getting a
mommy makeover. The examples are endless, but the positive results are indisputable. Procedures like
Botox have the ability to improve a patient’s outward appearance, and these changes can help rebuild
confidence and self-esteem.

Botox provides a similar aesthetic benefit to Generation X-ers (and some Baby Boomers) that has less to
do with boosting self-esteem and more to do with suspending the ageing process. Individuals in their 40s,
50s, and 60s sometimes opt for Botox injections in order to soften the look of ageing so the decline of skin
elasticity and pliability is much more gradual.

Botox can also help improve a patient’s physical comfort. For instance, an avid jogger may suffer from
excessive sweat rolling from their forehead into their eyes during long runs. Additionally, chronic
migraine sufferers who have tried over-the-counter and prescription medications with no success may feel
like they are out of options for controlling their headaches. You may be surprised to learn that Botox is a
viable option in both these scenarios, as it can be used to treat medical conditions like neck spasms
(cervical dystonia), excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), and chronic migraines.

Botox can improve your overall wellbeing, too. Preliminary studies show that Botox may alleviate
symptoms in people with depression. The proposed mechanism is based on what’s called the “facial
feedback hypothesis,” which holds that a person’s facial expressions can influence their mood. One small
study of a group of individuals with depressive disorder found that 52% of those who received Botox
reported a drop in symptoms six weeks later while the group given a placebo turned out just 15% of
participants reporting reduced symptoms.

Interested in learning even more about Botox? Contact us to schedule an initial consultation. Available at
our Westgate, Macleod Trail South, and Downtown Macleod Trail locations.